MA in ICT in Education:
Design and Use of Interactive Multimedia

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The school:

London comprehensive school, 1200 pupils on roll

100 refugee children, 350 with English as an additional language, 260 on the school special need register, 50 with statements of special needs.

70% of children have a computer at home (of some description); 50% have Internet access from home; 10% broadband.

Very ICT-literate staff, ICT used in all curriculum areas with varying degrees of effectiveness - but usually good.

7 ICT rooms in the school, 6 of which are bookable by all departments

School web-site and participant in the LGfL

The aims:

To break the distinction between school- and home-work

To allow a more individualised curriculum through the provision of high quality multimedia resources

To allow a wider community involvement in the school curriculum (e.g. parents)

The issue:

How to give all pupils and other community stakeholders access to this curriculum?

Becta report on home-school links:

ICT in Schools: the impact of government initiatives (2001)
ICT in Schools: the effect of government initiatives (2002)

The Excellence in cities programme:


Becta on-line conference 'Transforming mamagement and learning with ICT'^0@.ee7563b





This site is maintained by Tim Brosnan. Last updated 16/05/02