HTML Tutorial: Lists
You may want to write a list along these lines:
Bulleted List:
An unordered list with bullets of any shape or size
Ordered List:
A numbered list using Decimal or Roman numbers, or letters
Definition List:
A list of Terms followed by their descriptions

If you do then a Definition List is what you need, and this is the code ...

     <DT>Bulleted List:
     <DD>An unordered list with bullets of any shape or size
     <DT>Ordered Lists
     <DD>A numbered list using Decimal or Roman numbers, or letters
     <DT>Definition List:
     <DD>A list of Terms followed by their descriptions

DL tells the browser to start the definition list

DT stands for Definition Term - the browser will left align the text

DD stand for Definition Description - the browser will indent the text

Try it out yourself in the box below: