When you type text on to an html web page it will appear as you typed it, which would normally be one big block of writing. With the help of paragraph tags you can space the text out on a web page, which will make it easier to read as well as making it eye catching to the reader.

To create paragraphs on an html web page we will need to follow these steps:


When you type text on to an html web page it will appear as you typed it which would normally be one big block of writing. With the help of paragraph tags you can space the text out on a web page, which will make it easier to read as well as making it applying to the reader.

To create paragraphs on an html web page we will need to follow these steps.

1) Create an opening paragraph tag, which can be done by typing the letter p between two angle brackets like the example below.


2) Once this has been done you can then type in the text that you would like to appear on the web page. (If you would like to know more about adding text to your web page than please refer to Adding text to a HTML Page section of this site.)

However if you have already type in the text that you would like other to see than please move on to step 3.

3) Now that you have created an opening tag and added your required text you will need to decide where you would like to end your first paragraph. Once you have decided where you would like to do this you will need to insert a closing paragraph tag after the last word. To do this you will need to create a closing tag which can be done by inserting a forward slash and the letter p between to angle brackets like the example below.


4) Once you have done this you will then need to follow steps 1 and 3 again for each paragraph that you wish to create on your web page.

Create an opening paragraph tag, which can be done by typing the letter p between two angle brackets like the example below.


2) Once this has been done you can then type in the text that you would like to appear on the web page. (If you would like to know more about adding text to your web page than please refer to Adding text to a HTML Page section of this site.)

However if you have already type in the text that you would like other to see than please move on to step 3.

3) Now that you have created an opening tag and added your required text you will need to decide where you would like to end your first paragraph. Once you have decided where you would like to do this you will need to insert a closing paragraph tag after the last word. To do this you will need to create a closing tag which can be done by inserting a forward slash and the letter p between to angle brackets like the example below.


4) Once you have done this you will then need to follow steps 1 and 3 again for each paragraph that you wish to create on your web page.

To continue with either tutorial please click on relevent links below.

Note: The first link will take you back to the previous section of the tutorial when the second link will take you to the next section


Full Tutorial Route: Creating and adding an item to a HTML page
1.9 Changing the heading level of the text 3.2 Adding Bold, Italic or a Underline to the text on a web page
1.11 Creating a marquee 3.4 Creating a marquee
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