Many people use HTML coding each day without actually knowing what it is or what it stands for.

HTML stand for Hyper Text Mark-up Language, and it is the means by which web pages are created and linked together

*HTML is actually based on the use of tags. These are key words or phrases that are enclosed in <angle brackets>, which describe how text and graphics are to be displayed. They can also create links between different documents or parts of the same document*.

If you look at the list below you will see the main eight tags that make up a HTML web page and next to the tags you will also find a short explanation explaining what each ones does on the web page.

<html> This tag explain to the computer that this is the beginning of the web page.

<head> & </head>

Tell the computer that the information type in between these tags is the heading for the web page. The information that is type in between these tags normally appear in the blue bar at the very top of the web page.
<title> As with most piece of work you need a title to describe what you are writing about. This principle is the same for a web page so by entering this tage you are telling the computer that you are going to give your web page a title.
</title> This indicates to the computer that the title has been type in and has now ended.
<body> This explains to the computer that you are now going to write the main body of text that will form the main part of your web page.
</body> When you have finished typing the text for your web page you would need to insert this tag to explain to the computer that you have finished writing the main body for that particular web page.
</html> This tag explains to the computer that this is now the end of the your web page.


















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Full Tutorial Route:
1.2 Creating a HTML page using a text editor

* * This paragraph of writing was taken from P2 of the following book Teach yourself html / publishing on the world wide world 2nd edition By Mac Bride