Resource material for the IT PGCE:
exemplar material for the IT NC levels

This page contains the level descriptors of the IT National Curriuculum, divided into the four strands.
It also contains links to examplar materials which IT PGCE BTs will collect during the year.

See also the examples on the ICT part of the 'National Curriculum in Action' site.


The level statements of the IT National Curriculum

Progression in the level descriptions.

Level 1 is characterised by the initial exploratory use of IT and a developing familiarity with some of its everyday uses.

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Finding things out.

Pupils explore information from various sources, showing they know that information exists in different forms.

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Developing ideas.

They recognise that many everyday devices respond to signals and instructions. They make choices when using such devices to produce different outcomes.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They use ICT to work with text, images and sound to help them share their ideas.

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Reviewing and modifying.

They talk about their use of ICT.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 2 from Level 1 is the more purposeful use of IT to achieve specific outcomes. Options are investigated, and the effects of actions described.

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Finding things out.

Pupils use ICT to organise and classify information and to present their findings. They enter, save and retrieve work.

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Developing ideas.

They plan and give instructions to make things happen and describe the effects.

They use ICT to explore what happens in real and imaginary situations.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They use ICT to help them generate, amend and record their work and share their ideas in different forms, including text, tables, images and sound.

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Reviewing and modifying.

They talk about their experiences of ICT both inside and outside school.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 3 from Level 2 is the ability to develop ideas. Lines of enquiry are followed, decisions are made, the results are taken into account in successive steps, and the use of IT is described.

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Finding things out.

Pupils use ICT to save information and to find and use appropriate stored information, following straightforward lines of enquiry.

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Developing ideas.

They use ICT to develop their work.

They use sequences of instructions to control devices and achieve specific outcomes. They make appropriate choices when using ICT-based models or simulations to help them find things out and solve problems.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They use ICT to generate, organise and present their work. They share and exchange their ideas with others.
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Reviewing and modifying.

They describe their use of ICT and its use outside school.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 4 from Level 3 is the ability to interpret the information obtained by using IT tools and information sources, question its plausibility and compare the use of IT with other methods.

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Finding things out.

Pupils understand the need for care in framing questions when collecting, finding and interrogating information.

They interpret their findings, question plausibility and recognise that poor-quality information leads to unreliable results. They add to, amend and combine different forms of information from a variety of sources.

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Developing ideas.

They use ICT systems to control events in a predetermined manner and to sense physical data. They use ICT-based models and simulations to explore patterns and relationships, and make predictions about the consequences of their decisions.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They use ICT to present information in different forms and show they are aware of the intended audience and the need for quality in their presentations. They exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using e-mail.

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Reviewing and modifying.

They compare their use of ICT with other methods and with its use outside school.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 5 from Level 4 is its increased rigour . Quantitative and qualitative information is considered and the value of using IT in working practices is assessed.

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Finding things out.

Pupils select the information they need for different purposes, check its accuracy and organise it in a form suitable for processing.

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Developing ideas.

They create sequences of instructions to control events, and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. They understand how ICT devices with sensors can be used to monitor and measure external events. They explore the effects of changing the variables in an ICT-based model.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences.

They exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using e-mail.


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Reviewing and modifying.

They assess the use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work.

They discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT and their observations of its use outside school.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 6 from Level 5 is an increase in range, focus, efficiency and complexity . Work is more developed and refined, and the wider impact of IT on society is considered.

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Finding things out.

Pupils develop and refine their work to enhance its quality, using information from a range of sources. Where necessary, they use complex lines of enquiry to test hypotheses.

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Developing ideas.

They develop, try out and refine sequences of instructions to monitor, measure and control events, and show efficiency in framing these instructions. They use ICT-based models to make predictions and vary the rules within the models. They assess the validity of these models by comparing their behaviour with information from other sources.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They present their ideas in a variety of ways and show a clear sense of audience.

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Reviewing and modifying.

They discuss the impact of ICT on society.


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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 7 from Level 6 is that IT systems are selected and designed considering the advantages and limitations of different packages, tools and information sources and of the results that they produce.

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Finding things out.

They identify the advantages and limitations of different information-handling applications. They select and use information systems suited to their work in a variety of contexts, translating enquiries expressed in ordinary language into the form required by the system.


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Developing ideas.

They use ICT to measure, record and analyse physical variables and control events. They design ICT-based models and procedures with variables to meet particular needs.

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Exchanging and sharing.

Pupils combine information from a variety of ICT-based and other sources for presentation to different audiences.

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Reviewing and modifying.

They consider the benefits and limitations of ICT tools and information sources and of the results they produce, and they use these results to inform future judgements about the quality of their work. They take part in informed discussions about the use of ICT and its impact on society.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

The characteristic which differentiates Level 8 from Level 7 is that systems are designed and implemented for others to use. The needs of lay users are considered and addressed, and the wider issues raised by IT are discussed.

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Finding things out.

They design successful ways to collect and prepare information for processing. They design and implement systems for others to use.

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Developing ideas.

When developing systems that respond to events, they make appropriate use of feedback.

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Exchanging and sharing.

Pupils independently select appropriate information sources and ICT tools for specific tasks, taking into account ease of use and suitability.

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Reviewing and modifying.

They take part in informed discussions about the social, economic, ethical and moral issues raised by ICT.

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Progression in the level descriptions.

Exceptional performance.

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Finding things out.

They suggest refinements to existing systems and design and implement systems for others to use, predicting some of the consequences that could arise from the use of such systems.

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Developing ideas.

Pupils evaluate software packages and ICT-based models, analysing the situations for which they were developed and assessing their efficiency, ease of use and appropriateness.

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Exchanging and sharing.

They document systems for others to use.

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Reviewing and modifying.

When discussing their own and others' use of ICT, they use their knowledge and experience of information systems to inform their views on the social, economic, political, legal, ethical and moral issues raised by ICT.

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This page is maintained by Tim Brosnan. Please send any comments to:
Last updated on 21st June 2001 .