Unify materials: capturing and modelling experimental data

This page gives activities and resources for collecting experimental data and comparing it with computer models of that data derived from scientific theories.

  1. introduction
  2. structure of the activities
  3. cooling curves
  4. simple harmonic motion
  5. reaction of acid and marble
  6. reaction of acid and alkali
  7. motion sensor/timer
  8. sound map
  9. background books and datalogging links


The activities below are designed to meet three objectives:

  1. to give you sufficient familiarity with the hardware used for datalogging for you to feel confident to use it on your own
  2. to give you sufficient familiarity with the software used for datalogging for you to know which features to use for a given purpose
  3. to give you an understanding of the ways in which datalogging and modelling can be used to develop pupils' IT capability.

These activities can be used with any interface but were designed to demonstrated features of two interface boxes - the DL plus from Philip Harris and the EcoLog from Data Harvest. Whatever interface you use, you need to spend time exploring its features so that you can meet the first objective.

In additiona to a box to link your computer with the sensors which measure the data, you need software to display and help the interpretation of that data. Again, two products were in mind when these activities were devised - DataDisc Pro from Philip Harris and Insight from Logotron. If other software packages are used it may be necessary to export your data to a spreadsheet in order to do the modelling activities.

Two additional points:

  • The Philip Harris site also contains details of a new, cheaper datalogging system which I have not yet had the chance to use
  • Other people have uses the 'Sense and Control' datalogging system.
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Structure of the activities

Each of the activities has the same four-part structure:
  1. What the science says - this is a brief overview of the scientific ideas behing
  2. Capturing the data - this lists questions you will need to consider when planning your data collection
  3. Modelling the data - this lists questions you will need to consider when comparing the captured data with the scientific model
  4. Extensions - this gives some possible extensions for each of the experiments.
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Cooling Curves

What science says

The scientific model (Stefan's Law) says that the rate at which a black body cools by radiation is proportional to the temperature.
Rate of cooling = C.T^4
T is the difference between the temperature of the object and that of the surroundings and
C is a constant which depends on the substance

Capturing the data

What temperatures do you need to measure?
Over what period of time?
What assumptions are you making in taking these measurements?
What shape do you expect the cooling curve to have?

Modelling the data

What variable will you use for your model?
What variable(s) will you empirically adjust?
Why might the model not fit your data?


What might you (or children) expect to affect the rate of cooling that does not appear in the model?
How could you test whether this/these variables really do have no effect?
Use the model to make a prediction - then test this empirically.
What would you expect the effect of using 'forced cooling' (i.e. a fan) to have?
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Simple Harmonic Motion

What science says

The scientific model says that the time taken for one oscillation of the spring is dependent only on the mass of the spring and its 'springiness'. The heavier the mass, the longer the time.
Time for one oscillation = 2pi.SQRT (M/k)
M is the mass
K is a constant that depends on the 'springiness' of the spring.

Capturing the data

How will you accurately measure the time of one oscillation?
How will you measure the mass?
What assumptions are you making in taking these measurements?
What shape do you expect the displacement/time curve to have?

Modelling the data

What variable will you use for your model?
What variable(s) will you empirically adjust?
Why might the model not fit your data?


What might you (or children) expect to affect the time for an oscillation that does not appear in the model?
How could you test whether this/these variables really do have no effect?
Use the model to make a prediction - then test this empirically.
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Reaction of Acid and Marble

What science says

The scientific model says that the time rate at which the acid and marble react depends only on the concentration of the acid, the temperature, and the surface area of the marble (how 'broken up' it is).
The greater the concentration, the temperature and the surface area the faster the reaction. The rate is linearly dependent on the concentration and surface area and exponentially dependent on the temperature. At a fixed temperature
Rate of reaction = k.(Surface area).[Acid]^x.
k is the rate constant that depends on the reaction and the temperature
[Acid] is the concentration of the acid
x is a constant - usually a small (1,2) whole number

Capturing the data

How will you accurately measure the rate of reaction?
How will you measure the concentration?
What assumptions are you making in taking these measurements?
What shape do you expect the mass/time and/or volume of gas/time curves to have?

Modelling the data

What variable will you use for your model?
What variable(s) will you empirically adjust?
Why might the model not fit your data?


What might you (or children) expect to affect the rate of reaction that does not appear in the model?
How could you test whether this/these variables really do have no effect?
Use the model to make a prediction - then test this empirically.
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Reaction of Acid and Alkali

What science says

The scientific model says that the pH of the mixture is logarithmically related to the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution
pH = -log[H+]
and that for strong (not concentrated) acids and alkalis the only reaction that matters is that between the acid and the alkali
Acid + Alkali = Salt + Water
However, for weak acids and alkalis the picture is much more complicated and one gets a quartic equation for [H+] which is best solved iteratively (See the section ''Exploratory Examples' here for details).

Capturing the data

How will you measure the pH?
How will you measure the volume of acid/alkali added?
What assumptions are you making in taking these measurements?
What shape do you expect curves of pH against volume of acid added and [H+] against volume of acid added to have for combinations of strong and weak acids and bases?

Modelling the data

For the strong acid/strong base reaction

What variable will you use for your model?
What variable(s) will you empirically adjust?
Why might the model not fit your data?

For the weak acid/weak base reaction

Explore the given simulation and think why it might not fit the data


What might you (or children) expect to affect the reaction that does not appear in the model? (Or not to affect the reaction which does appear in the model)
How could you test whether this/these variables really do have no effect?
Use the model to make a prediction - then test this empirically.
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Motion Sensor/Timer

What science says

If 's' is used to stand for distance and 't' for time then:
velocity (v) = ds/dt
acceleration (a) = d2s/dt2 = dv/dt
Hence - when starting from zero velocity - the distance and acceleration are related by:
s = 1/2(a.t2)
(Check that you understand why this equation follows from the ones above.)

Capturing the data


What data can you actually measure using the equipment?
How can/does the machine transform this to the variables you may wish to use?

Motion sensor

What data can you actually measure using the equipment?
How can/does the machine transform this to the variables you may wish to use?

Modelling the data

Motion sensor

It is often hard for children to appreciate what constant velocity and/or acceleration feel like. This experiment is designed to help you try to recreate the model by physical action. Move your hand/yourself to make graphs of constant velocity and acceleration (both positive - speeding up - and negative - slowing down) appear on the screen.


Does the data fit the model? What aspects of the equipment are designed to help this fit be as close as possible?


Motion sensor

Are the graphs what you expect? Try recreating more complex motion curves.


Try dropping a ball through the two sensors arranged vertically. how can you use this to measure the acceleration due to gravity?
Devise a way of using the sensors to measure reaction rates of individuals.
Use the model to make a prediction - then test this empirically.
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Sound map - extension to other tasks

What to do

Construct a 'sound map' of the outside of the Institute and provide an explanation of the data you get.
It would be best to draw a map of the Institute before you start and use it to predict the relative (and possibly absolute?) Levels of sound you will find.

Capturing the data

Where should you take measurements?
Over what time period?
Which of the values will you use?
What other data do you need?

Modelling the data

As this is an extension activity, it is your task to devise and then use a method of modelling these data.


Again - here it is for you to devise and then try out an extension activity to this task.
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Books and Links

Two books of ideas on data logging in science are:

  • The IT in Science Book of Data Logging and Control
  • Data Logging in Practice

Both are by Roger Frost and both are published by the ASE. He also has a website with more tips.

A brief survey of the research in this area can be found in Roy Barton's paper

'Does data logging change the nature of children's thinking in experimental work in science?'

This is chapter 5 (pp 66-72) of Bridget Somekh's book

'Using information technology effectively in teaching and learning'

published by Routledge

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This page is maintained by Tim Brosnan. Please send any comments to:
Last updated on 18th July 2000