HTML Tutorial: Tables

The Planets

Mercury Mars
Jupiter Saturn

Yet another format using the cellspacing attribute.

CELLSPACING -  specifies the amount of space between each cell in the table. In this example I have set it to a very large value of 15. The cells, you can see, are quite spaced out. 

CELLPADDING is also set to 15 so there is a lot of space within the cell.

With both cellspacing and cellpadding set to large values you achieve the above effect - space between the cells and within the cells.

Note: Like both the BORDER and CELLPADDING attributes, the default CELLSPACING attribute is  0.

    <TD ALIGN="CENTER">Mercury</TD>
    <TD ALIGN="CENTER">Mars</TD>
    <TD ALIGN="CENTER">Jupiter</TD>
    <TD ALIGN="CENTER">Saturn</TD>

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