Introduction to the workshop

On this page you will find an introduction to the workshop 'New technologies, new opportunities, new challenges, which I ran at the Radenci conference.

Introduction Workshop activities


The new technologies can be used in a wide variety of ways to help teach and learn science. In this workshop we will explore a number of these opportunities - and discuss the challenges their use poses to teachers and pupils. The focus of the activities is primarly on the use of large information resources but there are also activities which involve the use of a variety of modelling tools.

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Workshop activities

The links below are to the pages of the various activities offered in this workshop.

The first 45 minutes of the workshop will be an opportunity to do one of the activities - and discuss its possible classroom use with others doing the same activity. The final 15 minutes of the workshop will be a plenary discussion to try share thoughts ideas and experiences.

Although you will only have time to do one activity in the workshop, this page will be available after the conference so that (if you wish) you can revisit it and try any of the others which interest you. If you do this, I would be very interested to hear your comments - you can use the e-mail link at the bottom of the page to contact me.

Activity Contents
Find information Using both search engines and 'portal' sites to search for useful information
Collect information Using datalogging hardware to collect and model experimental data
Evaluate information Using a pro-forma to evaluate web-based resources
Explore ideas Using a spreadsheet to explore your own ideas and those of others
Visualise ideas Using web-based 'experiments' to help visulalise physical phenomena
Communicate Using Word to create your own multimedia resources

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This page is maintained by Tim Brosnan. Please send any comments
Last updated on 11th December 2001